Selling DC Real Estate – Our Aggressive Marketing System
We go above and beyond in selling DC real estate. We take pride in reaching the maximum number of people through an aggressive marketing system that includes a robust internet presence with paid premium placement on major internet sites like REALTOR.Com.
We begin by first creating and an individual website for your property using the property address as website address (e.g. www.123MainStreetNW.Com) to tie together other advertising. We will advertise your property on the top 18 real estate websites including Zillow, Trulia, Homes.Com with links back to the property website which helps capture the contact information of visitors for followup.
We will begin the marketing campaign with direct mail to kick off the sale and build buzz for the property by mailing 500 neighbors the first week an invitation to an Open House, to encourage neighbor knowledge and referrals, especially from happy neighborhood residents looking to move up from rentals. Also we will promote the property to investors through a bi-monthly newsletter mailed to 5000 DC real estate investors. In addition, we will also use traditional print advertising including the Washington Post and monthly homes magazines to provide maximum coverage of the entire market.
With so much of current real estate promotion being dependent on photos we use professional photography (see attached examples) to make your property look its best and to fully catalog all of the property features for a quick sale. Unlike many of our competitors, we strive to provide attractive, informative, and interesting photos to the maximum number allowed to highlight all of the property features in all internet and print advertising.
As important, we will work hard to E-mail, direct mail and promote your property to other REALTORS to solicit their cooperation, promote sales incentives and bonuses, and work with them fully to get you the quickest sale.
Individual Website – Will create an individual website for the property using the property address as website address to tie together other advertising – internet, direct mail & print
Featured Advertising – Will advertise the property on the top 18 real estate websites and pay for featured placement on the largest sites.
Direct Mail
Kick Off Open House – Will mail 500 neighboring residents the first week inviting them to an Open House to create community referrals
Investor Newsletter – Will promote the property in a 10 year old bi-monthly newsletter I mail to 5000 DC real estate investors and landlords.
Print Advertising
Newspaper & Home Magazines – Regular advertising in the Washington Post and monthly homes magazines.